Coke is a hard and porous product with a gray color, obtained by coking of coking coal at a temperature of 950-1050oC, undergoing the processes of drying, heating, melting, bonding, freezing, and shrinking. eventually produces a highly striated silver-gray matter and air holes called coke. This coking process is called high-temperature coke smelting or high-temperature drying.
After coking, coke products can be used as raw materials and fuel in industries such as casting, blast furnace metallurgy, gasification, and chemical industry. In addition, the coke smelting process also recovers coal gas, coke oil and organic substances that can be used in industries as raw materials for rope, dye, medicine, paint, room; After being cleaned, coal gas can be used as a burning material and can be used to prepare ammonia and some other industrial materials.

Coke is used for smelting cast iron as well as high-quality smokeless fuel, as a reducing agent in iron ore metallurgical technologies, and as a drying agent in the blend. Coke is also used as a fuel in the manufacture of cast iron or for general purposes, in the chemical industries and in iron alloys (special coke forms). Blast furnace beakers should have lumps of not less than 25–40 mm with a number of beakers less than 25 mm and greater than 80 mm not exceeding 3%. Coke used for casting the cast iron should not be smaller than blast furnace coke, in this case the size of coke should not be less than 60–80 mm. The main difference between blast furnace cup and casting cup is the smaller sulfur content, it should not exceed 1% (in blast furnace cup can be up to 2%). Small coke lumps (for example, lumps of sizes 10–25 mm) are used in the iron alloys industry, in which case a fast reaction rate, not a content, is required. impurities contained in coke.
SCG Vietnam Joint Stock Company specializes in providing quality coke coal at competitive prices
All individuals and organizations wishing to buy in large quantities please contact SCG Vietnam Joint Stock Company via:
Address: No. 03, Lane 342/29 Ho Tung Mau Street, Phu Dien Ward, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Mobile / WhatApp / Viber / Weachat / Zalo: +84937577666 (Mr Thanh)
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