Application of asbestos in industry

Worldwide, asbestos is produced with an output of about 2 million tons per year. The world’s top four asbestos producers are: Russia, China, Brazil and Kazakhstan. From 2010 up to now, these 4 countries producing asbestos account for 94% to 99% of the total world production. In 2011, Asia and the Middle East consumed 85% of the global asbestos
In Vietnam chrysotile is mainly used to produce A-C roofing sheets and most of them are imported from abroad. Asbestos imports into Vietnam are mainly from Russia (85%), China, Kazakhstan …
Due to its outstanding features – irreplaceable by any natural or man-made fiber – such as high mechanical strength and elasticity, good friction, fire resistance, and lip resistance alkaline field, insulating, difficult to decompose, preventing bacteria and scattering … chrysotile is considered as a useful input building material for more than 3,000 products. This type of fiber is widely used in the industry of producing fibrinolytic products (especially corrugated cement roofing sheets in developing countries), electrical insulation materials, insulation, automobile industry, industry No, pharmaceutical, petroleum and nuclear, flame retardant production, textile products and some other industries.
Chrysotile is also used in popular fields in the world
Asbestos-cement products: The asbestos-cement mixture was invented in Austria in 1904 and began to be widely used in the construction of civil and agricultural projects in Europe from the 20th century, mainly after World War II. Today, more than 90% of chrysotile in the world is used to produce building materials containing a mixture of asbestos cement such as pipes, roofing sheets, tiles … These products are very popular in more than 60 countries. growing and favored for its economic efficiency and sustainability. In fact, the production of fibro-cement roof sheets and asbestos fiber cement water pipes is low-cost and consumes less energy than the production methods of other similar products. In addition, asbestos-cement products contain a very small amount of chrysotile fibers, only 8-10%, the rest is cement 55%, natural coal dust accounts for 35%. These are also raw materials that can be easily found locally.
Friction-resistant materials: Due to the natural nature of chrysotile fiber is heat-resistant, this fiber is widely used in the production of friction-resistant materials such as aircraft brake pads, cars, elevator brakes, gasket, clutch …
Other Products: Chrysotile has been used in the manufacture of more than 3,000 different types of products. Today, due to the anti-chrysotile campaign, that figure has decreased, but there is still a significant number of industries using chrysotile-containing products such as textiles, plastics, rubber, door cushions for furnaces, materials used to seal openings at high temperatures, paper, military products and the nuclear industry.
Use of chrysotile in Vietnam
In Vietnam, chrysotile is widely used in many application industries such as anti-friction materials production; produce FMP fertilizer, make NPK fertilizer, boilers, ship building and repair, products for the military, security and defense … Products containing chrysotile include imported products and manufactured products. domestic.
Imported products containing chrysotile: Rolled asbestos fireproof insulation sheet, asbestos fabric used in electrolysis of thermal power plants, heat-resistant fiber, asbestos sheet, leaded copper core asbestos wire, asbestos insulation sheet (for plastic injection machines), asbestos pads, sheet-type asbestos fibers.
All individuals and organizations wishing to buy asbestos in large quantities please contact SCG Vietnam Joint Stock Company through:
Address: No. 03, Lane 342/29 Ho Tung Mau Street, Phu Dien Ward, Bac Tu Liem District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
Mobile / WhatApp / Viber / Weachat / Zalo: Mr. Thanh +84937577666

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