Asbestos is a trade name for the group of natural mineral fibers classified by color such as white asbestos, brown asbestos and blue asbestos. With a rough, needle-shaped structure, together with improper use in the past, brown and blue asbestos fibers have caused lung damage to those exposed to them for a long time. However, white asbestos fiber in the form of twisted, soft foam has been confirmed by scientific researchers to be eliminated from the lungs from 0.3 to 11 days after entering the body through the respiratory tract, or suffering from decomposed by the acidic environment generated by macrophages if swallowed or ingested.
Because of its outstanding superior features – which cannot be replaced by any kind of natural or man-made fibers – such as mechanical strength and high elasticity, good friction, fire resistance, lip resistance. alkaline, insulating, difficult to decompose, prevent bacteria and scattering … chrysotile is considered a useful input building material for more than 3,000 products. This fiber is widely used in the industry of manufacturing fibro-cement products (especially cement roofing sheets in developing countries), insulating materials, heat-insulating materials, automobile industry, goods industry. No, pharmaceuticals, oil and nuclear, manufacturing fireproof materials, textile products and a number of other industries.
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